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Navigating Uncertain Times

Navigating Uncertain Times

Recent weeks have seen some extraordinary moves in the financial markets, as the world reacts to the spread of COVID-19. Please know that we are closely monitoring current news and economic reports, and we are committed to supporting you through this season. Feel free to contact us any time, for any reason. We are here to help.

Where Do You Want to Go Personally & Financially?

Overcome the very practical financial and emotional mistakes that will hinder you from achieving your dreams in life. Equip yourself with a system to make wise decisions.

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Contact Us Today for Help

If you're tired of trying to figure out your retirement planning & investments on your own, contact us today to eliminate confusion & follow our "Retirement Planning Solution System."

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The world we live in seduces us into thinking that more money is the answer to all our problems. Visit our blog Wisdom for the Wealthy to learn biblical principles of living and the power of an eternal perspective.

Tax Rules When Selling Your Home

Tax Rules When Selling Your Home

The tax rules governing profits you realize from the sale of your home have changed in recent years.
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RE: Retirement

RE: Retirement

How does your ideal retirement differ from reality, and what can we do to better align the two?
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Problems with Probate

Problems with Probate

Probate can be a completely public process, or it can be managed to include as little information as possible.
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As Featured In....

As Featured In....

We understand how it feels to see the market dropping and not know whether it’s the beginning of another 2008 decline. Nobody should have to experience the painful emotions of fear & anxiety as it relates to their financial future. Click on the Logos below to read where Don Roork, CFP, CKA was quoted in the Huffington Post, Forbes, U.S. News and CNBC.